Mission Statement

ֱ is a student-centred school division striving for excellence while developing skills and promoting values for a productive and wholesome life.

We Believe That:

  • Learning truly matters
  • Teachers teach students and not subjects
  • No significant learning occurs without a significant relationship
  • Every student, every day of the school year, in every class deserves challenging, engaging and imaginative “work” to do
  • Students involved in self-assessment are more engaged in their learning
  • Students learn best when teachers take care to use their skills of engaging instruction and meaningful assessment, to develop an intentional learning relationship between student and curriculum

Strategic Plan Triangle


Figure 1 represents the school division’s commitment to its mission and beliefs. The three priorities outlined below are the focal points for the ֱ over the next four years.

Our Priorities

All students learn the skills, disposition, values, and knowledge required for a productive and wholesome life.

  • Socially engaged – they will feel like they belong in their schools and in their classes.
  • Academically engaged – they will participate in the work of being a student.
  • Emotionally engaged – they will find personal relevance in what they learn.
  • Intellectually engaged – they will be “into” their learning, their mental wheels will be turning, they will be trying to figure things out, and they will seek and find creative solutions to both old and new problems.

Building the capacity of all HSD staff to enable all students to learn.

  • Whether they serve our learning communities as secretaries or teachers, bus drivers or principals, head office personnel or custodians, or any other position with the school division, all staff will have the opportunity to learn, to grow and to develop.
  • We will develop a culture that empowers, supports, values and inspires all staff.

Partnering with our Communities to enable all students to learn.

  • Our communities will know and trust our schools to be making an important and effective contribution back to the community. This can happen in many ways but primarily through educating our students and thereby developing good people to continue the good work of the community.
  • We will also break down the walls between school and community by providing learning opportunities for students within the community and by inviting the community into our schools to participate in the learning process.

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Deeper Learning in ֱ

The phrase Deeper Learning can mean almost anything, what do we mean when we say Deeper Learning? We mean a clear focus on learning those essential skills, dispositions, knowledge and values. We mean more relevance, more rigor, more curiosity, more connections, more questions, more clarity, more community, more preparation for a digital world, and even more adventure. And we mean deeper academic engagement, social engagement, emotional engagement and intellectual engagement

Figure 2 is a graphic representation of the work that will be done by the division on developing a framework for success for all students. The work of the division will continue to focus on providing a learning environment where all students experience deeper learning and develop the skills, dispositions, values, and knowledge that is essential for a productive and wholesome life after graduating from ֱ.